Wowie Browie Signature Brows $650

(Includes 1st touch up 6-8 weeks)

It combines two methods: the “nano hair stroke” technique and the “powder brow” technique. The combo technique is great for people who want both natural hair-like strokes at the front of their brows and a more defined, filled-in look toward the tails. It’s perfect for creating full, natural-looking brows that last longer than traditional Microblading. It’s popular for people who have a thin brow or even no hair can use this technique. The results can last from 1-2 years, depending on skin type, lifestyle and aftercare.

Touch up:

Additional touch-up $150
Touch-up between 6-9 months $250
Touch-up between 9-12 months $350
Touch-up between 12-18 months $450
Touch-up after 18 months
Full Price